Drunk Actors Performing Shakespeare in Chicago? Sounds Like FunDrunk Actors Performing Shakespeare in Chicago? Sounds Like FunClassically trained actors, whiskey, and Shakespeare? What could go wrong? Chelsea RoseChelsea Rose
See Revelry Theatre’s The Man From Earth August 16th Through 18thSee Revelry Theatre’s The Man From Earth August 16th Through 18thThe Man From Earth runs August 16th through 18th, with evening performances and one matinee. Tickets are only $10 and the general admission seating is limited. Reserve your seat today.Stefani BishopStefani Bishop
It’s Alive! Young Frankenstein Opens This WeekendIt’s Alive! Young Frankenstein Opens This WeekendIt's everything you love from the classic Brooks movie, plus musical numbers, fantastic costumes, and more cleavage than you can shake a stick at.Stefani BishopStefani Bishop