
Scammers Out Looking For Black Walnut Trees
Scammers Out Looking For Black Walnut Trees
Scammers Out Looking For Black Walnut Trees
According to a press release, Consumers are being warned to be on the lookout for scam artists looking to buy black walnut trees using the detection of an invasive species as the hook. There are reports of log buyers pressuring Michigan woodlot owners and others to sell their black walnut telling them that Thousand Cankers Disease has been detected in Michigan.
Happy Email Week!  Enjoy the Spam Scam Scam…
Happy Email Week! Enjoy the Spam Scam Scam…
Happy Email Week! Enjoy the Spam Scam Scam…
Mike McKelly just alerted me to the fact that it's National Email Week.   I feel terrible.  I didn't even get you anything.   A few years ago, one of my favorite (and underrated) actors, Dean Cameron, received a Nigerian Prince scam email.  You kn...