Phil Mogg Confirms UFO Is Done: ‘It’s Come to a Conclusion’Phil Mogg Confirms UFO Is Done: ‘It’s Come to a Conclusion’His heart attack disrupted the band's previous farewell tour plans.Corey IrwinCorey Irwin
How UFO Aimed for the Stars With ‘Lights Out’How UFO Aimed for the Stars With ‘Lights Out’"I thought we needed to change or up our game," vocalist Phil Mogg tells UCR.Matt WardlawMatt Wardlaw
PHOTO: Flying Saucer Spotted In Indiana During Solar EclipsePHOTO: Flying Saucer Spotted In Indiana During Solar EclipseNo, the photograph was not photoshopped, it was taken off I-465Mark FrankhouseMark Frankhouse
Michigan 2024: Have Many UFOs Have Been Reported This Year?Michigan 2024: Have Many UFOs Have Been Reported This Year?With 135 sightings reported in 2023, how many UFO sightings have been reported in Michigan so far in 2024?Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Here's How Many UFO Sightings Michiganders Reported In 2023Here's How Many UFO Sightings Michiganders Reported In 2023The number of UFO/UAP sightings in Michigan increased for 2023 as compared to 2022.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Orbs Spotted Over Indiana and the Midwest-- Now Allegan, MI Too?Orbs Spotted Over Indiana and the Midwest-- Now Allegan, MI Too?Weird orbs of light have been spotted across Kentucky, Indiana, and the Midwest. Now, possible UAP reports are coming from Allegan, Michigan.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
UAPs Reported Over Michigan Meijer & Apparently No One Cares!UAPs Reported Over Michigan Meijer & Apparently No One Cares!Unexplained aerial phenomena reported at Bad Axe, Michigan Meijer. The alleged alien encounter has gone surprisingly overlooked by Michiganders.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
With UFO Searches Up, We're Reminded of 1966 Wave of Sightings	With UFO Searches Up, We're Reminded of 1966 Wave of Sightings	It was in the spring of 1966 when a wave of UFO sightings struck Michigan. Are we approaching a new upsurge?Brad CarpenterBrad Carpenter
A Japan Balloon Bomb Once Landed In Michigan During WW2A Japan Balloon Bomb Once Landed In Michigan During WW2The Balloons shot down over the U.S., allegedly from China, are not the first to come down from east Asia over North America.MeatballMeatball
Object Over Lake Huron Shot Down; Different Than Other 'UFOs'Object Over Lake Huron Shot Down; Different Than Other 'UFOs'The object shot down over Lake Huron was shaped differently than previous UFOs shot down over the past week.MeatballMeatball