Ted Nugent Wants to Give Kyle Rittenhouse a Lifetime Supply of Ammunition
Ted Nugent said he wants to give acquitted assailant Kyle Rittenhouse a lifetime supply of ammunition and start a gun training class in his name.
That's what the veteran singer and guitarist relayed on a new episode of Rock of Nations With Dave Kinchen.
Rittenhouse is the Illinois teenager who last year used a semi-automatic rifle to fatally shoot two people and wound another during the racial unrest that followed the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis. Rittenhouse was cleared of all charges in court last week, setting a disturbing legal precedent for the unauthorized use of violence against protestors.
Nugent is the outspokenly conservative 72-year-old musician behind 1970s rock stompers such as "Stranglehold" and "Cat Scratch Fever." He recently released the pro-gun rallying cry "Come and Take It."
Nugent explained on the podcast, "I'm going to get a hold of Kyle Rittenhouse and I'm going to provide him a lifetime supply of ammunition, and I'd like to begin the Kyle Rittenhouse Tactical Masterclass because as a young man, boy did he do good. He knew that weapon. He was a samurai as a teenager that under those unbelievable, traumatic and physically assaultive conditions, he did his job."
The support echoes what the Nuge has voiced in other recent chats. He told Newsmax, "This guy, this young 17-year-old kid, was exactly what the founding fathers wanted all Americans to be — to stand up, good over evil. Kyle Rittenhouse, good. Rioters and thugs and attackers and assaulters and career criminals, evil."
In press surrounding the Nov. 12 arrival of "Come and Take It," the singer said it was "fitting that I unleash the All-American defiant battle hymn from we the people to punks who dare tread on us. … Come and take it at your own risk." Nugent, who lost a TV sponsor earlier this year over accusations of racism, has a new album coming soon called Detroit Muscle.
Last week, activist rockers Rage Against the Machine responded in opposition to the Rittenhouse verdict. They said the shooter "killed people who were fighting for racial justice. He claimed self-defense.”
Rage called it "settler logic of America's founding myth: whiteness must cast itself as the victim in order to justify its violence against those resisting its oppression. Welcome to the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave."
Listen to Nugent's Rock of Nations interview below. His quote comes at 1:13:13 into the episode.
Ted Nugent Talks to Rock of Nations With Dave Kinchen - Nov. 16, 2021
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