Terrifying Video Of Bus Rollover Sparks Seat Belt Debate
I can't remember a time when there has been so many issues surrounding school buses. Normally we're talking about driver conduct, kids getting dropped off at the wrong stop or being left on the bus. More recently we've been dealing with drivers not stopping behind the buses when they're supposed to and having to reinforce the laws. Now an old issue has returned and the debate is heating up.
There are those that say school buses without seat belts are still the safest form of transportation for kids going to school. Further, they say seat belts might have caused more injuries to the kids on that Ohio school bus. the there are those who say that seat belts most assuredly would have helped in this case including making it easier for first responders to treat the kids in this case. The debate will continue and, apparently, will take individual school systems to precipitate changes. What do you think?