Local comedians Chris Karpinski and Sammi McCrorey stopped in this morning to tell us about a couple of incredible comedy "events" tonight and tomorrow night.  Tonight at Harvey's, local and regional comedians will be doing the acts of dead comedians like George Carlin, Robin Williams, Mitch Hedberg, Robert Schimmel and many more.  Then tomorrow night at Shakespeare's, 12 comics will go up for open mic and 9 of them will be WOMEN!  That is unheard of.  And the best part is, both nights are free to get in.  The live comedy scene is alive and well and growing.  Take it from me.  I hosted hundreds of comedy club shows in the 80s and there is nothing like being in a club.  Check out where it's all happening almost every night by going to Facebook and searching Kalamazoo Comedy.  BTW, here are my top 5 all- time favorite comedians...

1. Jerry Seinfeld

2. Richard Prior

3. Louis CK

4. Robert Schimmel

5. Jim Gaffigan



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