It is a sign of Summer the Kik pool in Kalamazoo is set to open for the season on Saturday, June 9th.

According to the story from M-Live, the pool which is located on Walter Street in Kalamazoo opens on Saturday, June 9th to the public.

Opening day admission will be free and it will be open for open swim from 1:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Regular admission for the pool is $4 for 17 and under and $7 for 18 and up. You can also purchase a family pass which are available.

This year the pool is opening on schedule last year it was delayed due to a a pump issue which has been fixed.

Along with open swimming, the pool has all sorts of events during the summer hosting swim meets, fitness classes, lap swimming and swimming lessons.

This year the pool can be rented out for birthday parties.

More details on the schedule and prices for the kik pool are available at the kik pool website.

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