Will Kalamazoo Follow Others And Ban Smoking At Parks & Beaches?
Sometimes I feel like one of those people who's over 100 years old and tells the story about seeing a passenger plane for the first time. Not in terms of innovation or invention but rather social changes and opinion. Recently, I was back on my college campus and remembered how teachers and students would smoke in class. Sure it was the late 70s and early 80s but still! And lets not forget that doctors used to smoke in the hospital in the 50s & 60s while also prescribing cigarettes for their patients.
Well, times have changed and now the 2nd hand smoke issue is traveling to our parks & beaches. According to an article on wxyz.com, Elk Rapids, MI in the Traverse City area is weighing a possible tobacco ban at parks & beaches mostly due to the littering of cigarette butts. You'd have to also conclude that the 2nd hand smoke issue comes into play as well. Is it only a matter of time before smoking is banned anywhere other people can be affected Get more information on the story by clicking HERE. Oh...btw...if you're ever in Elk Rapids you've got to go to Pearl's and try the Margatini!!!