Will Kalamazoo Schools Require Firearms Safety Classes?
As the discussion and debate continues as to the best course of action to prevent school shootings, school shootings continue and there haven't been any new voices with any new ideas lately. What we do know is that there are 2 distinct sides to this issue and there hasn't been much to bring them together and I'm not sure this proposal will either.
According to wzzm13.com, there's a senator in Virginia that is proposing that school boards in the Commonwealth would have to offer a minimum of two hours of firearm safety instruction. The classes must also be taught by a school resource officer, law enforcement officer or a U.S. Armed Forces instructor. Gun proponents see no downside pointing out that firearms are very much part of the American culture and they're around, they're going to be around and you want children to understand the basics. They don't have to be a gun owner but they should at least be able to properly handle a firearm if you ever had to do it. The vast majority of gun-related deaths nationwide are self-inflicted and proper education and training play an important part in firearm safety. Should Kalamazoo and other area schools include something like this?