Your Kids Not Getting Back to You? This Will Take Care Of It!
Lately I've been watching a lot of programs that feature new and futuristic gadgets and inventions. Netflix has a series called Tech Toys 360 that's really cool and there are several on the normal "system" that feature some of the latest technology. I've also been keeping an eye out for additional features to our cell phones (do I need to say cell anymore) that will help with distracted driving and other issues in that vein.
According to an article on, a dad was getting sick and tired of his kid not getting back to him on his phone so he created an app that solves the problem and does so in a somewhat diabolical way. His name is Nick Herbert and the app is called appReplyASAP which makes text messages unmissable between people that matter and freezes the child's phone until they reply. This is genius!!! It makes the kid stop whatever they're doing and reply to their worried parents. Check out more of the story by clicking HERE.