America loves beer, it's a fact.  Americans prefer beer over wine and liquor, and have for most of America's history as a nation.  Currently, about 42% of drinkers prefer the hoppy goodness while only 34% choose wine and a lowly 19% prefer liquor.

Since we love our beer so much, Wall St. 24/7 decided to figure out which beers are the biggest sellers and which beers are our favorites.  Using shipping data from Beer Marketer's Insight, Wall St. 24/7 put together a list of America's 26 most popular beers.

  1. Bud Light
  2. Coors Light
  3. Budweiser
  4. Miller Lite
  5. Corona Extra
  6. Michelob Ultra
  7. Modelo Especial
  8. Natural Light
  9. Busch Light
  10. Busch
  11. Heineken
  12. Keystone Light
  13. Miller High Life
  14. Stella Artois
  15. Bud Ice
  16. Pabst Blue Ribbon
  17. Natural Ice
  18. Yuengling Lager
  19. Blue Moon Belgian White
  20. Dos Equis
  21. Coors Banquet
  22. Steel Reserve
  23. Icehouse
  24. Corona Light
  25. Milwaukee's Best Ice
  26. Guinness

Not surprisingly, the list is dominated by big brewing companies and extremely recognizable domestic beers.  But what is surprising is not a single beer has cracked the list.  With the craft beer craze in full swing and some craft beers being sold pretty much nationally, is it only a matter of time before a Founder's or a Bell's beer makes it on the list?  I think so, but what do you think?

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