Bet You Can’t Guess the #1 Virtual Attraction In Michigan
May isn't usually the month we tend to talk about online attractions in Michigan or any other state for that matter. That's what something like a pandemic will do to your perspective. We've already discussed whether or not people will respond to the state opening up by participating in many of the things we used to.
Frankly, it doesn't matter what's open if nobody shows up. We find ourselves, as we did this past weekend, longing to go out to eat or go for a drink. But when the time comes will we feel comfortable doing so? Also, the experience of doing these sorts of things will be drastically different due to the precautions we will take and what they will insist.
We went to Menards on Saturday and went through the new procedure of wearing the mask, wiping down the cart, keeping our distance, etc. It was a whole thing that's not exactly enjoyable but something we hope we'll get used to.
These are the kind of things we'll have to endure just about wherever we go and that includes popular destinations both indoor and outdoor. So what if you and/or your family aren't comfortable right away and feel safer at home but still want to experience the wonderful things our state has to offer? You'll have to do so virtually much like we're used to already.
The folks in the travel department at msn.com put together the best "virtual" destinations in every state and the top location in Michigan is the Michigan History Center in Lansing. I have to admit that this is the first I'm finding out about it. According to them it's a great virtual tour which has 5 floors and takes the viewer from the first people to the mid 20th century and everything in between. Enjoy your Stay-Cation.