The Quiet One, a documentary about the life of former Rolling Stones bassist Bill Wyman, has been given a release date. The movie will hit theaters June 21.

It's described as “a first-hand journey through Wyman’s extraordinary experiences,” and features an extensive amount of personal videos, photos and journal entries collected by the bassist during his 30-year run with the Stones.

“It is all of a bit of a haze to me,” guitarist Keith Richards says in the film’s new trailer. "If I want to know what I did in those years, I have to ask Bill Wyman.”

While current band members did not record any new material for the movie, featured interviews include Eric Clapton, Andrew Loog Oldham, Bob Geldof, producer Glynn Johns and Mary Wilson of the Supremes. You can watch the trailer for The Quiet One below.

Scandal surrounded the doc after it was pulled from a U.K. film festival in April. The move was made after public complaints regarding Wyman’s 1989 marriage to model Mandy Smith. He was 52 at the time; Smith was 18. The bassist allegedly had been courting his bride-to-be since she was 13 years old.

Wyman joined the Stones in 1962, mere months after the band formed. He stayed with them until announcing his departure from the group in December 1992. “There came a time in my life that I wanted to do other things, really,” Wyman stated to MTV at the time. “I just really don’t want to do it anymore. I’ve done enough.”

The Quiet One follows previous Wyman efforts that reflected upon his years with the legendary rock band. The bassist assembled many archival photos and videos for his 2002 book Rolling With the Stones, while personal journals made up much of his 1997 biography Stone Alone.

Wyman's only reunion with the Stones took place during the group's 50th-anniversary gigs in 2012. He joined the band for only two songs, a limited cameo that he later admitted left him "a bit disappointed."



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