Dollar General Offering SWMI Workers Extra Pay to Get Vaccinated
DG workers in Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Portage, Springfield, Richland, Plainwell, and other area stores will get paid time off to get the COVID-19 vaccination.
"Serving others" is the mission statement of Dollar General, but they are taking care of their own by offering paid time off for employees to get vaccinated.
We do not want our employees to have to choose between receiving a vaccine or coming to work, so we are working to remove barriers (e.g., travel time, mileage, child care needs, etc.) by providing frontline hourly team members with a one-time payment equivalent of four (4) hours of regular pay after receiving a completed COVID-19 vaccination and salaried team members with additional store labor hours to accommodate their time away from the store...We understand the decision to receive the COVID-19 vaccination is a personal choice, and although we are encouraging employees to take it, we are not requiring them to do so.
There are nineteen Dollar General stores in SWMI (as of this writing), with six in Kalamazoo, two in Plainwell and locations in Battle Creek, Portage, Parchment, Richland, Otsego, Springfield, Delton, Mattawan, Schoolcraft, Galesburg and Vicksburg. The retailer considers their staff to be frontline workers, and it's easy to see that they do come into close contact with so many people each and every day. Smart move for the company not to require the shot, as so many seem to have questions, but to be supportive of those who are ready. Most impressive is their willingness to put their money where their mouth is an compensate workers for the time it takes to get vaccinated.
You can be critical of Dollar General's business model and accuse them of predatory practices that some say are killing mom and pop shops, but, you have to admit, this is a class move to be applauded.

h/t 96.1 theeagle
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