Three Ways To Get Girl Scout Cookies in SWMI in 2020
No one will be knocking on doors this year. If you want to get your cookies and support the Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan, we can help you find them.
What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie? It is the classic Thin Mints? (Try putting a box in the freezer.) Maybe its the combination of the caramel and coconut in the Samoas that you can't resist? Peanut butter fans love the Tagalongs and Do-si-dos. Maybe you'll find a new favorite this year in the french toast-inspired Toast-Yay!
Wherever your sweet tooth directs you, you'll have to do just a little work to get your cookies in the time of COVID. Don't despair, there are three easy ways you can get your cookies this year.
- Send and email to gshom@gshom.org and they will connect you with a local Girl Scout that is trying to reach her goal. She will send you a link to her online cookie store.
- Buy online to support the Cookie Cares Campaign, which gives financial assistance to girls in need.
Donate to our local Hometown Heroes, like our deployed members in the military, firefighters, police officers, nurses, shelters and more.
Where does the money go? Each cookie purchase enriches the lives of young women in Southwest Michigan and supports the work of Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan.
When you buy delicious Girl Scout Cookies, you’re helping girls power new, unique, and amazing experiences for themselves and their troops—experiences that broaden their worlds, teach them essential skills, and launch them into a lifetime of leadership.
And guess what? Proceeds stay local!
That means you’re not only supporting girls’ success but also the success of your community, all while helping build the next generation of female entrepreneurs.
-Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan
So, go ahead, have another one...it's for the kids.

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