Kalamazoo Boy Remembered By Giving Away Flowers
I'm sure you've heard the words that no parent should have to bury their child but that's what friend of the Rocker Morning Show Theresa Heller had to do. Her son's name was Charlie and coming up on Friday you can brighten someone's day with flowers and help good people raise money for this great organization that in turn will brighten other people's days with flowers. Here's how Theresa explained it to me:
'Our charity is called Flowers from Charlie the Merchant, founded in the fall of 2015 in memory of our son, Charlie Wolf. We are on Facebook and at CharlieTheMerchant.org. We were able to establish this 501c3 Nonprofit corporation using grants provided by Meijer and the Kalamazoo Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 98. Operated completely by volunteers, we have given away over 3,000 bouquets, planters, seeds and other gifts to residents of our community including individuals, hospice, nursing homes, VFW, hospital children's ward, Meals on Wheels and more.
This is our first annual fundraiser to be held this Friday in the parking lot of Great Skate skating rink next to Chicago Style Pizza at the corner of Osterhout and Portage Road, from 4-9 pm. We'll be giving away those same items in addition to gift cards and prizes donated by community residents and businesses, and we'll provide refreshments too.
There will be raffles and silent auction items as well, and so far our event sponsors and donors include Great Skate providing the venue free of charge, Chicago Style Pizza of Portage kicking in four $20 gift certificates, Erbelli's with a gift card to raffle off, and Daanes placing a sign and donation box. We will be accepting major credit cards, cash, and MBE Barter card and scrip.'
So, if you have some time on Friday head over and get some flowers for someone or yourself and you'll be giving someone else in need flowers at the same time.