Kalamazoo Sex Offender Registry May End!
I have to say that I've never gone to the website that shows how many registered sex offenders live in your neighborhood. Maybe if my kids were still elementary and middle school age I would. There's also the attitude that pervades any optimist that these individuals have done their time, have been rehabilitated and just want to live their lives. Well recently a registered sex offender was subdued by parents at a park when he tried to snatch a young boy in broad daylight which can throw some benefit of the doubt right out the window.
So no matter how you feel about the registry, it may not matter if it no longer exists. According to an article on fox2detroit.com, there's an ongoing lawsuit underway to stop the Michigan Sex Offender Registry. The opponents claim that it's unconstitutional in several ways including offenders on the list that committed their crimes before the list came into being. Check out more details and where to find the list by clicking HERE.