Wait a minute!  Michigan allows the sale of e-cigarettes to minors???  This is one of those "head scratchers".  How did this one get past the goalie?  Apparently, Michigan and Pennsylvania are the only 2 states in the country that don't ban the sale of e-cigarettes to minors.

According to an article on woodtv.com, federal law prohibits the sale of vaping products to minors but local law enforcement cannot enforce federal law.  Back in 2014 a bill came to the floor that would have put the law in place but, for some reason, it got vetoed.  Really???  I would've thought this was a no-brainer.  Was there special-interest involved?  the Surgeon General has declared vaping an epidemic among young people and a federal survey showed 1 in 5 high schoolers using the e-cigarettes a 78% increase from 2017-2018.  The bottom line is we've got to get this done to protect the kids.  Come on!  What are we waiting for???  Check out the rest of the story by clicking HERE.



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