The Livonia Halloween Hix House Stuns Again With Yard Decorations
There is one house that, every Halloween, goes all out with decorations for Halloween. Calling them decorations in fact may be a bit of an understatement, considering every year hundreds of people come to the Hix House located at 14052 Hix Rd in Livonia.
It's very rare that a house owner located in a neighborhood would make their yard available to the public, but during Halloween, things get a bit loose. They open it up every year around Halloween and only have a few rules in place:
* The yard does not have hours or admission… just come by anytime to enjoy and walk around and take pics… just be careful!
* Lights are on 6pm-11:30pm, it’s more fun at night, but come anytime you’d like.* Please do NOT leave your garbage at all.* DO NOT bring your dogs
(Really stressing 3 & 4. Last year we spent over an hour picking up garbage that people dropped. And please don't bring dogs because they're often afraid and we are just homeowners that don't wanna be sued.)
This Year's Theme
In prior years we've seen everything from Beetlejuice to Ghostbusters but this year's theme took on the Pirates of the Caribbean, equipped with its very own Black Pearl, with a realistic dungeon inside, along with a voodoo hut that featured a manikin dressed as Tia Dalma.
Below is a photo gallery and video of the walkthrough. I'm excited to see what next year's theme is gonna be. We only have 364 days left...