Local Brewery Pays Off School District Lunch Debt
We've been hearing often about student lunch debt. Whether it's individual students who can't afford to buy lunch or an entire school or school system being relieved of the cost through generosity. Most recently we heard about a school principal who warned parents who haven't paid their bill that social services might come and take their children away. Eventually he backed off and someone payed the entire amount.
Now we hear that a Michigan Brewery has jumped into help a school system. Our friends at mlive.com tell us that The Mitten Brewing Company has paid the lunch tab for all the public schools in Suttons Bay, MI. We're talking elementary, middle and high school to the tune of $2,700. Apparently, one of the brewery's bartenders is also a substitute teacher in the district and made the suggestion. And since the brewery has been making charitable donations since it opened in 2012, the owners thought it was a great idea. So do I. Get more of the story by clicking HERE.