Michigan Free ORV Weekends Return For Summer 2018
ORV lovers mark your calendars because once again this summer Michigan will have 2 free weekends for you to enjoy the various trails around the state.
According to the story from M-Live, Michigan Department of Natural Resources announced that June 9th and 10th and August 18th and 19th will be free ORV Weekends in Michigan.
The two weekends will allow state residents and non residents a chance to ride state trails around Michigan without a permit.
You will also be able to enjoy Black Lake Scramble Area, Bull Gap and the Mounds, Silver Lake State Park and St. Helen's Motorsport Area.
Just a reminder that if you head out either of these weekends ORV rules in the state still apply.
More details on the two free weekends check out Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
The free weekend in June is also a free fishing weekend in Michigan. A chance for you to ride and fish for free all weekend without a license for either.
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