Patrick Warburton On The Rocker Morning Show
There aren't too many people who don't know that my favorite TV show off all time is Seinfeld. So, when I heard that Patrick Warburton aka David Puddy was promoting a new Netflix series, I just had to get him on. "That's right". Puddy tomorow morning.
I realize he's done so many other things like "Rules Of Engagement", "Ted", "Emporer's New Grove", "The Tick" and "Family Guy" but he'll always be Puddy to me. The new series on Netflix is: "A Series Of Unfortunate Events" and is available now. Here's my top 5 Puddy episodes from Seinfeld...
1. "The Face Painter"
2. "The Jesus Fish"
3. "The Move"
4."The Fur Coat"
5. "The Dealership"