Portage Drive In Movies And Food Trucks At The Flats Are Moving
I can remember a few months ago, which by the way seems like a year ago, saying that maybe they should hold concerts like a drive in movie to accomplish the social distancing requirements. Sure there would be less people but you could charge a premium, bands would still make money and the venue, which would probably be a park or field, could make money as well.
Then, actual drive in theaters weren't allowed to open even though the social distancing was built in. Later, we had neighborhoods showing movies on garage doors and other clever ideas. Now we have communities taking the idea and really putting it into practice.
I just got a press release from my City Of Portage saying that this summer their "Movies in the Park" and "Friday at the Flats" are moving to Ramona Park on S. Sprinkle Rd. This is one one of my favorite Portage parks. There's a lake with a beach, you can bring beer and there's plenty of room.
For the movies, it can hold about 200 vehicles and will open at 4:30 so you can swim, play bags, tailgate or whatever. Then you eat what you brought and enjoy the movie. As for Friday at the Flats, which was previously at Celery Flats (hence the name), food trucks will serve various types of edibles and drinks.
It's ideas like this that makes us feel like all hope is not lost. In fact, I think there's a lot more of an opportunity for us Portagers to have fun rather than just going to the movies. Perhaps some good things will come out of this nightmare.
For more information on these events click HERE.