Pot Is Now Legal In Michigan- Here’s What You CAN and CANNOT Do
It's pretty basic, just like alcohol - in short, don't be stupid.
December 6th, recreational marijuana officially becomes legal in the state of Michigan per last month's election. Commercial sales won't be regulated and likely begin until 2020, so you'll still need a medical card to purchase it until then.
But you CAN grow it yourself and give it to others who are over 21. Basically, here are the rules:
You CAN:
- smoke if you're over 21
- grow your own weed
- possess up to 10 oz
- smoke in your own home
- smoke in public
- sell the weed you grow yourself
- smoke in your home if your landlord doesn't allow it
- drive high/go to work high
So, again, it's basic "be a grown-up about this" rules. The state has to write a ton of regulations to sell it recreationally, so for now, this is the deal. Enjoy your ganja!