Prepare To Rise Up – Candy Cane Lane Is Set To Return
We're a year removed now from the great Candy Cane Lane controversy of 2019 when Kalamazoo city officials began their decorating duties in Bronson Park readying for the Festival Of Lights. But instead of mounting the traditional candy canes from years past, they mounted up a set of over 60 new and improved Candy Canes and thus, created a Kalamazoo holiday uproar of biblical proportions.
You'll recall the onslaught of criticism last year began when the new look candy canes began adorning the sidewalks of Bronson Park and instead of the candy canes leaning into each other as if to form an archway, the new look candy canes just simply stood there, upright, in an uninteresting position.
The city was quickly bashed on many social media platforms demanding that those old faded broken dilapidated candy canes be brought back and the shiny new looking poser candy canes be sent back to the north pole post haste. Actually the candy canes were purchased from China but for dramatic effect, we feel Santa should share some of the blame here.
The anger over the updated candy canes was so bad, over 6500 signatures were collected on a petition to get this mess fixed once and for all.
“This is as bad as ‘the new Coke’” one petitioner wrote
Brrrrr,,,just the mention of New Coke gave me chills but I digress. So where does that put us today? A year later. Has Covid mellowed us out enough to get peacefully past this or should we grab the torches and pitchforks and get this settled with the city (old school style) once and for all?
Let us know where you stand because quite frankly, we forgot all about this controversary until driving by Bronson Park earlier and remembering when the rigid shiny new red and white poser candy canes were set up and mocking our very existence. Look for the return of Candy cane lane on Thanksgiving Day.

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