Want to hit the beach without leaving town?   Ramona Park Beach in Portage opens Friday for Memorial Day Weekend.

The park, considered a summer destination with its swim area along Long Lake,  opens Friday with a Full Weekend followed by June 4th and 5th, then everyday June 10th though September 5th.

According to M-Live, this year the park has added canoe, kayak and paddleboard rentals.  A one hour rental will set you back $12 with additional charge $5 with each half hour up to four hours.  If you prefer you can also get a four to six hour rental for $36.

If you plan on heading to the park at all through the season you must have a vehicle permit.   Those permits can be purchased at the park entrance during business hours.

Annual passes are also available at the Portage Parks office though Friday.

For more details check out  www.portagemi.gov.


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