Reese’s Makes Candy Converting Vending Machine
Tomorrow is Halloween, and hundreds of children will be knocking on doors with veiled threats for their neighbors. Ah, tradition. I can remember being out for hours and hours, going from neighborhood to neighborhood until my teeth were chattering and my fingers were numb. Then it was a mad rush home to dump my booty on my bed to start the annual Halloween candy sort. The coveted Reese's Peanut Butter Cups were in their own category. The rest of the chocolate was second tier, gummies third. Sweet Tarts and smarties (they're in the same candy family, right?) live around the middle of the candy world. Then there was the "other" category... Candy Purgatory; candy that only seemed to get better the longer it lasted in the bowl. These were things like knock-off Tootsie Rolls or hard candies with the gooey centers. Eventually they were good enough to pass only because you ate everything else. Then there's the "is this even candy?" category, where the liquid filled wax tubes and Circus Peanuts live. I mean... WHY???
Good news is Reese's is coming to save the day with their Halloween candy trading machine in New York City. Disappointed Trick or Treaters can drop their unwanted candy in and the machine will give them Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Reese's plans to exchange up to 10,000 cups in a five-hour period. This is the greatest invention since the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, itself. You can turn any Bit 'o Honey and bag of Good & Plenty into something you actually wanted in the first place. Keep up the important work, Reese's!