This morning we talked about a new bill in Mississippi called The Parental Involvement and Accountability Act which requires a parental section on a child's report card.  I think this is a great idea.   At a time in our country when it's always somebody else's responsibility or somebody else's fault, parents are literally forced to get involved with their child's education.

Maybe this is the next step in educators being able to take back the classroom.  Some months ago I railed against the lack of respect students have for their teachers and adults in authority.  I've heard the horror stories from teachers about kids who know they can get away with anything because they fear no reprisal or discipline from their parents.  In fact, more often than ever, the teachers are blamed for the bad behavior. What are these parents doing?  The answer is nothing and that's the point.

Teacher Surprised With $10,000 As A Knowledge Universe Early Childhood Educator Award Winner
Photo by Jason Bahr/Getty Images

Maybe if parents were held accountable things would be different.  My wife and I always made it a point to get involved with our kids and their teachers and partly because of that they were/are exceptional students.  It's no accident.  We're not patting ourselves on the back but we think it's time for many parents to take responsibility so they can pat their kids on the back.  You'd be amazing how good that would make them feel.  Check out the full article by clicking the button.

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