Our good friend and former Loy Norrix, MSU and NFL standout T.J. Duckett was back on the show this morning and, if you've heard him on before, you've noticed a change in him.

First, he goes by Todd now not T.J. and he feels like his purpose on this earth has become clear long after football.  His New World Flood charity has done great things already like bring truck loads to "Sandy" victims and feed over 1,000 local families for Thanksgiving with the "High Five Turkey Drive".  The intent is to "make it rain" one drop at a time until a flood begins.

Andreas Rentz/Getty Images
Andreas Rentz/Getty Images

Each year they double the number of families so, this year, the goal is 2,048.  That means we need your help and one of the cool ways to do so is to get in on the New World Flood golf tournament this Monday at the Moors.  Many football friends and other celebrities will be on hand.  Get all the details at newworldflood.org.

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