Michigan Grocery Store Needs Your Help Decorating Christmas TreeMichigan Grocery Store Needs Your Help Decorating Christmas TreeA local grocery store in this small Michigan community is inviting the public to help decorate their Christmas tree.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Urine-Filled Candles Spill on Child at Indiana Dollar TreeUrine-Filled Candles Spill on Child at Indiana Dollar TreeThis might be the most disgusting story I've ever seen.MeatballMeatball
Dollar Tree Confirms Big Changes Affecting All Michigan LocationsDollar Tree Confirms Big Changes Affecting All Michigan LocationsDollar Tree is now confirming big changes are coming to stores that will affect Michigan shoppers soon.Jess PoxsonJess Poxson
Michigan Dollar Tree Stores Bringing Back $1 ItemsMichigan Dollar Tree Stores Bringing Back $1 ItemsRoughly 300, maybe 400 items will be affected by a pricing rollback out of the roughly 8,000 items that Dollar Tree sellsMark FrankhouseMark Frankhouse
Indiana Dollar Tree Help Wanted Sign Just Got Manager FiredIndiana Dollar Tree Help Wanted Sign Just Got Manager FiredA Dollar Tree manager allegedly posted a discriminatory help wanted sign that got lots of attention.Dana MarshallDana Marshall
Dollar Tree Is Gonna Start Selling Booze in 1,000 StoresDollar Tree Is Gonna Start Selling Booze in 1,000 StoresBecause there are clearly not enough other places to get terrible, cheap alcohol. AJAJ