Star Wars

The One Time I Met Peter Mayhew In Novi
The One Time I Met Peter Mayhew In Novi
The One Time I Met Peter Mayhew In Novi
Peter Mayhew, known for his role as Chewbacca in the Star Wars films, passed away last week. I was lucky enough to have met him briefly back in 1997.
‘Star Wars’ Boba Fett Spinoff to Be Directed by ‘Logan’s James Mangold
‘Star Wars’ Boba Fett Spinoff to Be Directed by ‘Logan’s James Mangold
‘Star Wars’ Boba Fett Spinoff to Be Directed by ‘Logan’s James Mangold
As with the previous Star Wars Story, reactions to Solo are pretty…unenthusiastic…leading many fans and critics to ponder if Lucasfilm should even continue with this whole spinoff thing. Seemingly sensing a disturbance in the Force, Lucasfilm is doing their best to restore balance by hiring James Mangold to direct a Boba Fett spinoff.

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