The Biggest Red Flags If You’re Dating in Michigan
Young people have it easy. They still have energy, and no shame. NOTHING stops them from walking up to a complete stranger, and shooting their shot. It's something that a lot of us, as we get older, tend to lose a little bit of every year. For the single people, it means things can get more and more difficult for finding that ultimate partner.
But have no fear, there are dating apps, and some red flags to look out for that can help you avoid that awkward first social interaction, and get right down to business. And if you're a proud Michigander, you're gonna want to know these specific red flags to avoid in your journey to find that perfect partner.

More than half of people who say they are single and looking participate in using Dating apps, which can be an easy process to weed out potential bad picks. By now, you're probably pretty sure about what you want in a partner.
But, if you and your family are true Michigander, then be sure to keep an eye out for these potential red flags while you're swiping left and right. (Right is good, Left is bad.)
It's Pop
If you're looking for a true Michigander to make yours, this is the first hurdle. Lead with this question. God forbid, you end up on a date with them, and they order a Faygo or Vernor's "soda" and embarrass you right out the door. It's a good indicator they're not from 'round these parts.
What's Euchre?
It's one thing to not quite know how to play euchre. It can be confusing, given its similarities to other cart games. But to straight up not know WHAT it is, or that it's even a card game? Nah, kick them to the curb. Though, bonus points if they're at least willing to try and learn.
Not a Huge Sports Fan?
Well, too bad. Michiganders bleed through their sports fandom, and sometimes, it's literal blood, sweat, and tears. Fiercely loyal through some of the darkest sports droughts in history, Fans of the Red Wings, Lions, Tigers, UofM, and Michigan State all have fierce loyalty to their brands, and even when you're team becomes the first ever to go winless, you still show up.... even if it is with a paper bag on your head.
Side Note: If they aren't a fan of the Pistons, that's forgivable... for now.
They Just End a Conversation with "Bye"
So maybe you've connected with this person, and you've started to have periodic conversations with them. That's great. But keep in mind, there's still some strong hints in how they talk with you as to how Pure Michigan they really are. If they just suddenly end a thought, and say "Bye," then don't text back, that is a red flag.
Only true Michiganders know, "Bye" is only the FIRST step in a Michigan goodbye. It takes at least three or four "goodbyes" "See ya's" and "Talk Laters" before you FINALLY end that conversation. Anything short of that is just rude.
They drink domestic beers
Did they seriously order a Bud Light at Founder's? No.
They wear a suspicious amount of Scarlet and Grey
This is a good indication there's a fox in the hen's nest. It's one thing to accidentally put on a red shirt with gray shorts once in a while, but multiple times in a short amount of time? Yeah, that's a secret Ohio State Fan, whether they want to believe it or not.
If you REALLY like the person, try sneaking more blue and gold into their wardrobe, and see if they notice.
BONUS: Fish are Actually a Good thing
Yeah, while most dating apps see this as a red flag, in Michigan, it's actually a good thing. It means your partner has EXCELLENT patience, and can withstand less-than-ideal conditions for long periods of time, just to make someone happy.
And that green flag gets even BIGGER if it's a photo of them ice fishing, AND/OR they caught a sturgeon. Pure Michigan baby.
Good luck out there!
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Gallery Credit: Lauren Gordon
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