West Nile Virus In West Michigan
What a summer it's been already. So many things to worry about that seem to be beyond our control. Why not add another to the list: West Nile Virus. According to an article at wzzm13.com, mosquitoes carrying the virus have been found in West Michigan. In the not too distant past, there hasn't been as great a concern but with all the rain and flooding earlier this year and now the hot/dry conditions it's certainly cause for action.
At the end of last month the first case of West Nile was found in Sanilac County as a result of a blood donation. Now, detection has been confirmed in Kent County. The good news is only 20 percent of those infected experience any symptoms and only 1 in 150 contract the disease to the point where it affects the central nervous systems and may lead to death. But the point is that it seems to restrict our freedom to just go outside without fear of something happening from something previously harmless like a mosquito bite. Get the rest of the story and how you can guard against West Nile Virus by clicking HERE.