Baconfest 2019 – Judge the Best Bacon-Inspired Dishes in Kalamazoo
Smoked bacon, maple bacon, turkey bacon, slab bacon, Canadian bacon, back bacon, Pancetta... the wonderful world of bacon awaits you at Baconfest 2019, hosted by the Kalamazoo Jaycees. It's all happening November 3rd from 1:00pm-3:00pm at Malloy's Pub on Stadium Drive. Your $10 donation gets you in to the new Whiskey Ladder Bar for an hour, a chance to sample select bacon-inspired dishes from local chefs, and a vote to decide who has the best bacon in town. Not to mention a special bacon flight on the drink menu. All funds raised will go to help the Kalamazoo Jaycees send their leaders to trainings and conferences to help them build their professional skills to help them better influence change in the community.
Tickets are already on sale! Choose between the first round of judging between 1:00 and 2:00, or the second between 2:00pm and 3:00pm. Help the Kalamazoo Jaycees continue their important work by attending Baconfest 2019!
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