Dennis Miller Coming To FireKeepers Casino In Battle Creek
2019 at FireKeepers Casino Hotel Events Center is really shaping up to be a great year. Already announced, Billy Idol, Lewis Black, the great Smokey Robinson and, if you're a Country fan, Lee Brice and Reba. Now, we're only in February so I'm sure the folks at FireKeepers have plenty more up their sleeve.
Amber Ballard from FireKeepers sent me a press release announcing the one and only Dennis Miller coming to the Event Center Friday May 17th with tickets going on sale Monday February 18th. Dennis Miller has always been one of my favorites because he provides a more intellectual style of comedy, ya know, much like myself.....I didn't think you'd let me get away with that! Ever since we were introduced to him as the Weekend Update anchor on Saturday Night Live, he has become a comedy icon. Personally, I can't wait to see him live. Get more information by clicking HERE.