Lewis Black Coming to FireKeepers Casino Event Center
Lewis Black is angry...very angry. And he's very funny. But he's really, really angry too! He's bringing all of that anger and all of that "funny" to FireKeepers Casino Hotel Event Center on Friday March 1st. Tickets go on sale tomorrow December 8th at 10:00am at firekeeperscasino.com or at the Event Center box office.
According to the information our good friend Amber Ballard sent in a press release there are a few things I didn't know even though I've been a fan for years, met him backstage several years ago and had him on the Rocker Morning Show several times over the years. Did you know he's written more than 40 plays and authored three best-selling books? You can bet he's going to let it all out when he hits the FireKeepers Event
Center stage come March 1st. And there's a good chance you'll be able to get your hands on some tickets compliments of FireKeepers and The Rocker.