Free in Richland – Movie & Ice Cream
Hey, teens! It's tricky in the summer, isn't it? Boredom can set in almost immediately. Most summer camps are intended for younger children, and you struggle with not being able to "get in anywhere cool." Been there. The mall is only so entertaining, after a while. Well, Richland Community Library is coming to the rescue to give you some respite. Join then for a Movie & Ice Cream, June 22nd, July 6th, and August 3rd from 1:00 to 3:00pm. It's absolutely free! And, hey, these movies are PG/PG-13 and intended for teens and adults, but families are welcome to attend (viewer discretion advised). Check out this lineup:
- Saturday, June 22nd - Tomorrowland (PG)... a sci-fi adventure starring George Clooney and Hugh Laurie
- Saturday, July 6th - First Man (PG-13)... a look at the life of astronaut Neil Armstrong
- Saturday, August 3rd - Galaxy Quest (PG)... one of my all-time favorite comedies
Mark your calendars and beat the heat with Movies & Ice Cream at Richland Community Library.