Grand Rapids Amazon Driver Helps Lost Toddler Find His Way Home
As a person without kids, it's easy for me to say, "I don't understand all these stories of kids wandering away from home." But I also have friends with kids who have told me crazy stories of what their kids are capable of when the parents are going to the bathroom. A couple of weeks ago a snowplow driver found a wandering toddler and now this story from Grand Rapids.
Cherie Winters posted on Facebook a story of how an Amazon driver helped rescue a toddler that had wandered off from his home. She says that she and her 6-year-old grandson were taking care of the grandson's dog when they noticed a young boy walking down the street dragging his jacket. They were trying to figure out who he was and maybe where he lived when Cherie saw an Amazon delivery driver stop his van and make contact with the toddler.
She says the driver helped the kid with his jacket and started asking questions about where he was supposed to be or where he lived.
from her Facebook post,
Recognizing that the boy was still confused, the driver secured his truck and then started walking back with the boy. They walked back a block before the boy seemed to recognize his home. At that point, the driver started running back to his truck.
I’ve never done this before but then again, I’ve never seen such kindness from an Amazon driver occur before my very...
Posted by Cherie Winters on Friday, February 26, 2021