Basic. The word used to mean fundamental, the most essential bits of knowledge for a skill or task. In 2020, however, basic has evolved to describe a person who seems to be a default of their factory settings, the "starter pack," as it were. For example, the starter pack for a female college student has always been UGG boots, a North Face vest, and a coffee in a reusable, eco-friendly tumbler.

You can almost hear the dulcet tones of David Attenborough as he describes spotting one in their natural habitat. "The cold season is coming, and none adapts quicker and seemingly with more joy than the Female College Student. She will soon seek out all things pumpkin spice to photograph using various hash tags and filters to share with her "pod," before winter's bitter approach."

So how basic is Michigan? How would we ever find the answer to a question so complex? Who's got that kind of time? The people at They chose fifty very simple things, like scrunchies or Billie Eilish's music, and turned to Google search results. Turns out Michigan is so totally basic in one area...

Friends. Michiganders' love for the television show Friends is what makes us basic, however, we are ranked as the 12th least basic of all states. So, we're not that basic. We just know the joy of curling up with some award winning must-see-tv from the 90s.

What can we say; sometimes its nice to get back to basics.

UP NEXT: Michigan Signs of the Zodiac


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