Walk Like MADD; 5K and Fun Run Supports Families Across SW Michigan
"No more victims."
That is the mission of advocacy group Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
Southwest Michigan MADD's signature fundraising event to help raise both awareness and funds to eliminate drunk and drugged driving in Michigan-- and beyond!--is coming up this September. Here's what to expect at this year's event:

Families and four-legged friends are invited to Heritage Park in Coldwater as SW Michigan MADD rallies and remembers loved ones at the annual Walk Liked MADD 5k run and walk. Writes the organization,
The Southwest Michigan event is MADD's signature fundraising event to help us raise both awareness and funds to eliminate drunk and drugged driving. We hope that you will rally with us in Coldwater, Michigan to help create a future of No More Victims®.
What to Expect:
The event will take place in Heritage Park on Saturday, September 23 with check-in beginning at 8:00 a.m. Teams and participants for the walk/run will take off at 9:00 a.m., with a silent auction, food, and fun to follow!
Family-friendly activities include face painting, games, kids play zone, and an opportunity for the kiddos to get up close to some of their favorite emergency vehicles with the Touch a Truck event. And yes, "friendly, leashed, and currently-vaccinated pets" are invited to join in the fun with ChewMax!
Along the path will be images and memories of loved ones,
who lost their life to this senseless act or maybe their life was forever altered as a result
If you'd like to donate to the cause or learn more about SW Michigan MADD click here.