Kalamazoo’s Studio Grill Giving Discount to Federal Workers
Just when I thought I couldn't love this Kalamazoo breakfast stop any more than I do, they go and do something that endears them even further. Craig Dotson, owner of Studio Grill, is offering a 20% discount for federal employees working without pay amid the government shutdown. According to an article from MLive, Dotson said, quote, "Nobody likes to work for free. Especially when you’re in the service or working for the government.”
It's day 25 of the shutdown, the longest government shutdown in our nation's history. Although employees have been promised back pay when the shutdown is over, the need our federal workers are feeling now is very real. Using what limited savings some workers have to bridge gaps, or choosing between paying the mortgage or buying groceries are challenges facing many. It's nice to see our local establishments doing their part to help ease the stress. Putting it succinctly, Dotson said, quote, "It’s just a mater of I care about these people, I care about our community. This is one small thing we can do."
So do your part. Order a Five Alarm Omelette (with extra house-made serrano sauce) and some raspberry freezer jam for your rye bread knowing that the profits off your full (and very happy belly) will go to help our neighbors. Oh! And make sure you get your Clean Plate Club card stamped.