With gasoline prices higher than they have been in several years, it makes sense that a new gas station/convenience store chain is expanding to Michigan. 

If the name "Kum & Go" makes you snicker, you'll enjoy this Pinterest page of inappropriate business names. While some are Chinese restaurants that don't translate well (Fu King Chinese, Mei Dick Barber Shop), and others have unfortunate abbreviations (S&M Mini Mall, T&A Auto Parts and Service), there's no doubt some are photoshopped or just a plea for attention (Tranny Shop, Camel Towing).

Kum & Go is a cleverly-named gas station/convenience store business based in Des Moines, Iowa. Founded in 1959, the family-owned chain is run today by the son and grandson of the original owners. For over 60 years, the company has also been dedicated to the communities it serves, sharing ten percent of its profits with charitable causes. Currently, Kum & Go is in twelve states and will be opening in Grand Rapids in 2022.

We are excited to bring the Kum & Go brand to our thirteenth state. Grand Rapids is an amazing community. Kum & Go will create quality jobs, give back to and help develop the community, and make days better for a whole new set of customers. We think Grand Rapids and Kum & Go are a great match.

-Kum & Go CEO Tanner Krause

The press release talks about "a set of stores" in G.R., but is not specific. Currently, there are 400+ stores across the west and midwest. Like just about all of the gas station/convenience stores today Kum & Go has sandwiches and pizza to go, plus snacks, candy and beverages. And, yes, you can even buy a Kum & GO t-shirt for the next office party.


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