Michigan Kubb Championship Coming to Kalamazoo. Also, What Is Kubb?
They say Vikings devised a game of skill using the skulls and thigh bones of their vanquished enemies. That game is Kubb.
The Viking thing may be just a rumor but it's true, "kubb" means "block of wood" in Norwegian. Kubb is a yard game for 2-12 players, and, like any good outdoor game you can drink beer while you play. Okay, so maybe you can't drink beer at a competitive Kubb match, but it looks like a lot of fun to set up in the backyard.
Think of Kubb as a combination of bowling and horseshoes. The rules get a little complicated, but basically, two teams throw wooden dowels at their opponents' blocks across the 8 meter pitch. Knock down all 5 and then you get a shot at the king and victory. If you topple His Highness too early in the game you lose. (Just like shooting in the 8 ball during billiards.) Take a look at the video below for all the rules and how to play.
See all the action when the inaugural Michigan Kubb Championship comes to Kalamazoo on June 22.
h/t reddit/kzoo
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