Mystery Science Theater 3000 to go on Tour with Stop in Royal Oak
Believe it or not, Mystery Science Theater 3000 is celebrating 30 years of making craptastic cinema palatable. That means 30 years of Invention Exchanges, 30 years of wise-cracking sidekicks, Crow T. Robot, Tom Servo, and Gypsy. And at least 15 years of me arguing with everyone about whether Joel or Mike was the better host on the Satellite of Love.
It's Joel, by the way. I'll fight anyone who says otherwise. I'm getting off track...
MST3K creator Joel Hodgson, and MST3K's newest host Jonah Ray, are taking the show on the road with, not one, but TWO shows at Royal Oak Music Theatre in Royal Oak, Michigan, Sunday, October 28th. Doors open at 2:00 for the 3:00 showing of The Brain, a Canadian sci-fi snoozer about a man using alien technology to brainwash people; will the plucky high school ingenue save the day? Probably. It's terribly formulaic. The 7:00 show (6:00, doors) is Deathstalker, starring Rick Hill, Barbi Benton, and other people you've never heard of. Will Deathstalker find the amulet, chalice, and sword before it gets in to the evil hands of Munkar (also played by someone you've never heard of)? Also, probably.
Join Joel, Jonah, Crow, and Servo for two fantastically terrible, but thankfully laughable films this October. And as far as a second season for the Netflix show? Sources say, expect it in "the not-to-distant future."
Bonus Video: Definitely Bishop - Getting in Touch with You Inner Dork
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