Now That Pot Is Legal Will Western Keep The Same Campus Rules?
As we've chronicled before last Tuesday's vote and after, there are more questions now that marijuana is legal in Michigan than people even thought to ask. We've discovered that even though it's been legalized by the state, law enforcement, cities and municipalities and businesses can and will treat the situation in different ways. And as issues trickle down, we're bound to see schools and universities invoke their own set of circumstances.
Many are wondering if and what what Western Michigan University will do in response to the situation. According to wnem.com, Michigan State University has already begun to react. In fact, MSU just released a statement saying the use and possession of marijuana will be prohibited at any university building or property. Violators will face legal and disciplinary action. Apparently, the University Of Michigan released a similar statement. it's only logical the WMU will follow suit. I guess it won't be the wild west that some thought it would be.
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