Parchment – Crews Cleaned 100 Gallons of Spilled Sewage on Haymac Drive
Very few phrases cause a shiver to go up one's spine quite like "sewage spill," but that's exactly what the good people of Parchment have been dealing with for the last few days after a manhole on Haymac Drive burped up something foul Sunday afternoon. According to WWMT, 100 gallons of "material" managed to flow forth before crews were able to stop the spill. It seems an equipment failure from the sanitary lift station is to blame for the unholy gurgle.
"Material". That's a nice way of saying a full-on Voldemort situation; that which shall not be named. I suppose the timing could have been worse. A long streak of 90 degree weather ended with the storms we had on Friday and Saturday, cutting the humidity down and dropping the temps to high 70s. When "material" is involved, you definitely want it to be as cool as possible. So as unpleasant a situation as that was for residents, I'm sure most are counting their blessings that the weather cooperated and the crews were able to get it cleaned up quickly.
2020 has certainly been a year to remember. From masks becoming the "it" fashion to hornets big enough to decapitate and ingest bees and wasps, a "material" spill seems like the least of anyone's worries. And for Parchment residents, it's one more square on their Bingo card they get to cross off. Getting close to calling the game? Anyone?