Kalamazoo County has formally declared a state of emergency following the discovery of PFAS in the City of Parchment's drinking water system.

Residents of the area served by the Parchment system including much of the city and adjacent Cooper Township have been advised since Thursday (7/26/18) evening to cease all use of Parchment water for drinking, cooking, making baby formula or food, rinsing produce or for pets and livestock. Kalamazoo City water has been pumped into the Parchment system in an effort to flush all lines. Residents with Parchment City water as well as customers in northeast Kalamazoo may see a temporary increase in discolored water as a result of more water moving through Kalamazoo’s system to Parchment. Kalamazoo city water customers may continue to use and drink their water.

Today (7/28/18) Kalamazoo County, along with Parchment, Kalamazoo City and Cooper Township have jointly issued the declaration of state of emergency, a step in facilitating aid from the State of Michigan.

In the photo above, City of Parchment Mayor Rob Britigan and Kalamazoo County Commissioner Stephanie Moore, Board Chair, shake hands after signing the Declaration of Emergency while Kalamazoo County Emergency Manager Pat Wright and City of Kalamazoo Deputy City Manager Jeff Chamberlain look on.

The County said in a release,

This is the beginning of a process with the State of Michigan. The State of Michigan will now review the request for aid, and conduct further logistical discussions with the local authorities. By signing the local declaration of emergency, the local authorities together are requesting additional resources and support for the residents affected by the elevated levels of PFAS found in the City of Parchment’s water supply system.


Water Distribution Continues

More than 7,000 cases of water have been handed out in the last 48 hours and handouts will continue at Parchment High School from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. weekends and Noon-8:00 p.m. weekdays beginning Monday, July 30, 2018.

Residents will be asked to show identification with their home address. Those who feel they have been mistakenly turned away for bottled water are asked to call the Parchment Water Hotline at (269)373-5346.

Town Hall Slated

All affected residents are invited to a town hall style discussion Tuesday July, 31 from 5:00 p.m.-8:30 pm at Haven Reformed Church, 5350 North Sprinkle Road. An open house will be held from 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. with a program from 6:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

The Parchment Water Hotline is (269)373-5346 and is now the only number. The hotline is operational for all residence to call with questions or concerns and is staffed by the Health & Community Services Department from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily.

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