Pearl Jam Releases 8 Bit Home Run Hitting Game
To go along with the DVD release of their film, "Let's Play Two", Pearl Jam has released a home run hitting baseball game featuring the band.
According to Pearl Jam, the game is a home run hitting game that is 8 bit. It features all members of the band including keyboardist Boom Gaspar.
You select a band member and you get 60 seconds to hit as many home runs as you can using the space bar on your computer. Each band member has strengths and weaknesses so choose wisely.
Currently the band has a contest that if you can be the one to hit the most you will have a chance to win a signed baseball and custom band baseball bat.
It is an addictive game that at first was frustrating to play but once you figure it out you will hit the ball out literally every swing.
Check out the game here.
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