Slingshot, Engage: Drafting in traffic is apparently Pure Michigan driving
Let me start this by saying, southwest Michigan... so far, I love you... like REALLY love being here. BUT... your driving is something we need to talk about.
Nice weather has opened up the roads a little, I'm sure. Coming out of winter, the rule of the road is slow and steady if there's any snow or little bit of ice on the asphalt, but APPARENTLY, now it's above freezing, and everyone thinks they're Chase Elliott.

You DON'T have to draft off everyone in traffic. This isn't NASCAR.
At the speeds we're traveling, it does nothing. But that doesn't stop some tiny little Kia from being only 12 inches off my bumper in afternoon traffic down Gull Street.
This might shock you, but if you're in a '93 Honda Civic, and you're inches off my bumper... I can't see you over my truck's tailgate. And if I slam on the brakes, you're getting a 2" ball hitch indentation in your grill.
And thank all that's Holy, my mother isn't up here driving around, because she'll brake-check anyone within a half car length. It's only worked once for her, but that was a pay day that dude did NOT want to get in on.
I've only just moved up here, I haven't ventured out that far, so I thought maybe this was exclusive to Kalamazoo... I was wrong. I went up to Grand Rapids on Sunday, and it's EXACTLY the same. Speed limits mean nothing, Toyota Turcel's violating my Frontier's personal space, and apparently the lines on the road are just suggestions. Understandable when avoiding pot holes that could reach the planet's core, but not the ENTIRE length of Hwy 131 to Grand Rapids.
I have a lot to learn still, to be a new Michigander, but don't think I'll feel sorry if my Kansas license plate ends up a permanent hood ornament in your Geo Metro. However, if that's the lay of the land, and it's the way of doing things in the Mitten (and maybe the UP)... I guess this Kansas boy is gonna have to adapt as best he can to truly become PURE Michigander.
Slingshot: Engage.
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