Round Barn Winery Going Retail with Two Wines This Month
Baroda, Michigan, home of Round Barn Winery, who, up until recently sold their wares exclusively through their flagship location and tasting rooms, have announced a new retail venture. Round Barn Winery Red Sangria and Crantini will join the select craft canned wines paving the way. Initially stocked and sold at more than 150 Meijer stores in Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Wisconsin, Round Barn has captured that same freshness and flavor you've come to expect from every glass and growler at their locations with no artificial colors, flavors, or high-fructose corn syrup added to their canned versions.
I know what you're thinking; wine in a can? Isn't that somehow blasphemous? A lot of wineries are getting in on the canned wine game. Cans are convenient. They're portable. Cans can't break, chip, or shatter. Plus, you don't have to open an entire bottle to enjoy one glass. Take them camping. Take them glamping! Enjoy them in a box. Enjoy them with a fox.
Look for Round Barn Winery's Red Sangria and Crantini in stores this May. And, keep your eyes peeled for two other Round Barn offerings mid-summer.